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~* Memory *~

Something most extraordinary happened to us today.

When bringing my children home from school, my son gave his seat to an elderly man who came  to sit next to me and my boys, us climbing then to sit on top of one another. This man started chatting us up, about interesting things, stuff we wanted experience in life. 

He wanted to ride a helicopter. And kick around on a scooter, like my sons. Among so many other things that made the eyes of my boys dangerously shine.

My dream is to dance the Argentinian tango. In Buenos Aires, preferably. And some day, to visit Tibet.

But the amazing thing was - I saw it in the eyes of both my sons, they felt it too - this man so incredibly resembled  my father (whom my children had lovingly called Pappa like I'd called my father's father before him - a family tradition). It was truly like having our Tapsa Pappa back for a moment. The same untamed laughter, same politically incorrect spanter. No concern of what anybody around us thought of his loud voice. Such beautiful an encounter, and not in the least bit sad.

When we waved goodbye to this man, my oldest son said it first. "Maman, did we just make a new friend or is he actually an old friend, if he's just like Pappa?"

My little one commented; "I was starting to forget what Pappa was like but now I remember again."

"Never forget! You can never forget Pappa!" ordered my eldest.

We walked home in silence. A rare silence, all of us filled with a rare  gratitude.

We had had him with us again, even if only for a moment.


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