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*~ Made me feel like writing again ~*


while the early dawn's cold wind, 
bruises against your lovely cheeks, 
may my longings gently pass, 
through the air, into your waking self ... 

for it shall bring along my passions, 
the kisses that I scattered for you, 
looking at the starry night sky, and 
the hugs that I sent looking at the lonesome moon. 

place your palms soft on your restful face, 
let it convey the warmth and heat, 
that my burning body released into the bed, 
while tossing and turning sleeplessly in your memory ... 

while you are ready to take on the world, 
gently-softly open the windows of your heart and soul. 
let me reside there intoxicated in your contemplation, 
smiling with you in joys and burning with you in times of rage and pain

- Doni Rimo -

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