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~* Love *~

I am sorry for the recent radio silence my dear readers. But I'm sure you'll understand... You see, my baby, my 5-year old youngest son, was suspected of having a serious illness and we've gone through exhaustive series of tests; neurological, blood tests, MRI... Now finally last week we got the result. After five years of uncertainty, finally the doctors were able to rule out the this condition. You can imagine my relief. I couldn't stop thanking the doctor... Or crying. When we got home with my son, who coolly soldiered on, happy for the football cards he got for staying still at the magnetic scan FOR AN HOUR, my body and mind went on full strike. I made it to our sofa, crawled under a blanket and couldn't move or muster up a rational thought until next afternoon. So now I know how it feels like, to be blessed. My son, unlike his mother, impressed everybody with his innate courageous cheerfulness. The doctor gave him a Teddy Bear, saying he was the bravest little boy she'd ever seen. The nurse walked us all the way out, chatting away football cards. It was a flashback to the days when he was just a few months old and I had to take him to hospital for neurological tests every month. Even back then he won over every doctor, every physiotherapist, every nurse he met. My little one, suddenly grown so big, brave and sweet as ever... Walking so tall, feeling so good about himself, he's just shown everybody how all grown up he is ♥♥♥. I just want to shout out from the rooftops how much I love him. And although we still don't know what he has, I now feel it in my heart that everything going to be all right. "Love makes us wake up in the morning with a sense of purpose... Love floods our nervous system with positive energy, love fills us with a powerful charisma, love leads us to atone for our errors and clean up the mess when we've made mistakes. Love leads us to act with impeccability, integrity, and excellence. Love leads us to serve, to forgive, and to hope. Those things are the opposite of a poverty consciousness; they're the stuff of spiritual wealth creation." ~ Marianne Williamson ~ ~*♥*~


  • Annika


  • rita

    ihanaa!!! hyviä uutisia…kiitos

  • LadyBohemia

    Kiitos Ihana <3
    Kuin myös pikkuisesta juttutuokiostamme… Maailman paras Annika.

  • LadyBohemia

    Juuri niin… Ihan parhaita uutisia. Olen jopa alkanut taas vähän nukkumaan öisin :)

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