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~* Living poetry *~

Life surprised me with wondrous ways just a few weeks back. First, a client whom I'd only met some 4 times came to LadyBohemia telling me she'd hurt her leg - and she had just booked an all expenses paid trip to Paris. Asking me if I'd like to go in her place.

A gift out of nowhere, a miracle at the very moment when I was so, so tired… And for the first time since forever, I just took off and let go of everything.

Aimless, mapless and free, I wondered around the beautiful streets, taking the sunshine, the elegance, the buildings, little alleys, bridges, doors, those cafés, those smiles into my soul.

Then suddenly I realized I stood in a place I recognized from 25 years back. From a day I was proposed to for the first time.

I had said yes.

I climbed to sit on the fence where I’d sat on that day, remained there for a long time, heart overflown with gratitude over that first love, those six years we’d had together.

And the miracles don’t stop there, they keep growing. I posted a photo of this fence and… My phone beeped a message.

It was him. The message is private but I can tell you I cried, tears of happiness. He'd spotted the photo and just wanted to make sure I knew…

And after 25 years, all I needed to answer was ’I’ve always known’.

Don’t get me wrong, this was not about rekindling a romance, no.

Just a crystalised moment on what life and love are all about



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