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~* Just the right amount of lust and respect *~


Says Paul Newman on the secret of his 50 years of marriage.









Their take on longevity...correct amounts of lust and respect.



They just so blatantly poignantly belong... That intimacy - where ever they are in the photos, there were just the two of them in the world.

And that laughter! Joanne once said that sexiness fades, looks fade... But if a man makes you laugh every day of your life, you're really onto something. Both their definitions combined - I'd sign it anyday.


50 years of marriage, and it doesn't surprise me one damn bit. It's all there in the way they look at each other.

Yes. Sometimes a heavy duty dose of good old-fashioned romance is just what the doctor ordered.

I think I'm just about ready to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's.


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