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~* It's all in the little things *~

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Today, I want to share with you, the littlest thing that made my day.

I bump into a local guy, a musician of some sort, almost every day at our local coffee shop just around the corner. We exchange an accidental "hi" and "how's your day" every now and then (he's not born Finnish so a few words, even to a stranger, come easy). We're not friends but have been casually friendly for the longest time.

And today, I was feeling particularly run down. Hardly any sleep for quite some nights, dark circles around my eyes, sadness combined with no make-up. And I won't even start with my hair.

When I stepped in he looked up and kept on looking. "I just have to tell you, wow", he said, with some serious oooooooooomph. "There's something about you... Wow Kaisu."

The only even remotely wow-ish thing about me were the Kristina Viirpalu stay-up stockings I was testing, but fine. There are moments when just a few kind words of a stranger can lift a person off the ground.

And for the rest of this day, I've held my head a little bit higher. I didn't so much feel like I just wanted to crawl into bed and pull a cover between me and the world.

Despite the dark circles around the eyes, despite the reasons behind the dark circles.

Thank you, you stranger. I know we'll remain coffee break acquaintances. But although you'll never know it, on a day I felt the  lowest of the low, you made a difference.

It IS all in the littlest things.



  • Bhakti

    Ah loved hearing this! It’s true, the smallest encounters can make a big difference… I had a similar thing happen once, I was jogging in center of Washington DC where all the monuments are, enjoying a sunny morning, and getting some sun on my belly with my shirt lifted up. I was a bit self-conscious and not feeling great about my body — then a young guy who felt like he’s a lawyer or politician or something, jogged past me and said: “I have to say, your profile against the sun, outrageously gorgeous! Have a great day!” And he didn’t say it in a creepy way but totally polite and genuine. So that really made my day, and years later I still remember it! :) I think I need to pay this forward, as often as I remember, and compliment strangers! <3

  • LadyBohemia

    Kindness of strangers is often the most immemorable kind… When a person wants or gains nothing from you, yet still gives a little bit of him/herself in a passing encounter, I find it remains inside me. Oftentimes through years, or sometimes even decades.

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