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~* from bazar to bordel *~

both mean MESS and that is the case. [caption id="attachment_13231" align="aligncenter" width="400"]IMG_0920 it's a little more than dusty chez nous[/caption]

Again my dear readers, I apologize for not being more present and more in touch... But as you can see, I've been busy :).

IMG_0928Kitchen... Not so much home cooking this summer. [caption id="attachment_13234" align="aligncenter" width="500"]IMG_0934 floors are looking for the ideal color..[/caption] But I am so lucky to have the best ever renovation guys doing all this with and for me. Really, they make living amongst this mess bearable and even fun. Every evening they dig out a mattress or a sofa for me to camp in for the night... Check where to put it, so there isn't so much light that it would keep me awake.. Really so sweet. One day I was trying to figure places for lamps and paintings but couldn't really get the full picture of the dimensions - as you can see the roof and walls are all quite unorthodox.. And Heikki and Jorma just volunteered to carry our piano to it's normal place - in this mess!!! - so that I could better grasp how my lamps would look around it. Who would do that? Well my guys are just the best. IMG_0922And I was so grateful for the piano carrying that we finished the day with some sparkling wine on the balcony :). ~*♥*~

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