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Food for thought...

Sometimes it's good to stop and think. To really stop and think. Today I was putting my head & heart in order following the wise guideline below: "Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about." [caption id="attachment_6312" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Hmmmm...."][/caption]

When did you stop the last time, just to say to someone: You Are Important To Me...

Today, I am going to say it to someone - my lovely, sweet, funny, wise, beautiful goddaughter. Whom I haven't seen in ages and whom I miss too much. The belle just turned 16 and we're getting together for a girly afternoon of celebrating her.

So my Saturday is guaranteed to be lovely as I get to spend it with my sweet Laura.

Wishing sunshine to your day also...♥


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