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~* Family *~

My day started by a little message through which one could taste the salt of tears. The father of a 10-month old baby had been deported yesterday. His girlfriend and child were given 15 minutes to say their goodbyes. Another salty message. A dear friend had lost her stepfather last night. A salty conversation. My sons, again, got deep and philosophical about their Pappa. It's amazing how clearly they remember him ❤. We had a long, such good discussion. It's getting crowded in heaven, they figured. But maybe their friend N-N's granddad also likes fishing, maybe he'll also have an unruly politically incorrect sense of humor, and the old men will have a great time together. Serge just took the boys and god-daughter to the circus. This long-awaited trip prompted such vivid expressions of joy that by now the whole building knows circus is in town. And after the circus, we're having a sleepover by 8-year-old N-N. Kids have ordered three mattresses on the floor, side by side, and firmly decided to stay up all night. They also have dangerously fond memories of a previous sleepover after which we woke up to artwork having been drawn all over the walls... Just before rushing out the door for the circus my youngest son stopped to ask "Maman, are you going to die and go to heaven one day too?". A question I've had to answer to my sons all too often, to which there is never an answer both honest and comforting. So I opted for trying to buy time. "Yes, but not for a long longest time. I have a feeling I'll live to be very old." He had another concern: "If you go to heaven you can't give me kisses anymore. I'm not gonna like that." Oh, you can believe how my heart quenched when his 5-year-old face grew sad. "Listen, I'll blow kisses your way all the time then. Every time you'll feel a little wind on your cheek you'll know it's me." This, to him, was acceptable. Off to the circus then. So, it's a full house of tears and laughter today. Family ❤. So many big things, so many little things. So many little things that are the biggest of all.

A song my heart is singing today. ~*❤*~

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