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~* Beauty *~

I had the great honor to act as the Official Photographer at my darling friend Noora's graduation. So many beautiful memories from that day of sunshine. Will tell you later, now just a little taste of the beauty. IMG_9736Mother's speech, not a dry eye in the room. IMG_0085 The only thing of it that I can remember through my tears, is how the name Noora symbolises light in many cultures. Poignant.


Seba. IMG_0160 Listening to the warmest truest speeches ever, with Babaj. Noora3 * IMG_9944 Beautiful guests, and even a Piano Man. If ever there was a perfect party where everybody felt welcomed, had fun, laughed, cried and created memories, this was it. IMG_0200 Yessssssssss Bella u did it! Noora2 The great big world is out there. Now just go get it!!! PS. And remember to remember me every time you curl that lioness mane of yours ♥. ~*♥*~


  • Annika

    Onnea Nooralle!!!! Upeat kuvat ja tunnelmat <3

  • LadyBohemia

    Noora niin ansaitsi juhlansa, ja sen maapallon jota hän parhaillaan valloittaa kirsikaksi kakkuunsa :)

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