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~* Art deco antique earrings *~

Have I mentioned that my friend Pipsa is a Sweetheart? She is. IMG_3683She dropped by at our place for a glass of champagne before we headed for the movie premiere on Wednesday... And before she even made her way inside she had pushed a little box into my hand. Explaining that it was nothing... Just a little something old... It turned out that her nothing were these divine silver and marcasite antique earrings. Huh, I was so touched that all words escaped me. So thoughtful, so poignant, so unexpected was her gesture... How she already knows how much I love all things adorned with charm and history. From now on, every time that I wear these beauties I shall be escorted and surrounded by the warmth and kindness of a true friend. And that feeling is as priceless as these earrings are beautiful. IMG_3690 ~*♥*~

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