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~*are you lost in the jungle for good? *~

Once upon a lifetime I bought a one-way ticket and moved to Calcutta. That year, I spent the Independence day there, with my Indian family who had made their home my home. So considerate they were, that on December 6th, to surprise me, all the women of the family had bought gorgeous blue and white silk saris and wore Finland's colors...

They cooked a beautiful festive dinner, and we burned two white candles in every window.

It was beautiful. So much deeper than mere beautiful in fact.

Today, of all days, I cleared my old photos and letters. And found a letter my father had written to me on that day, that very Independence day. I'd thought I'd lost those letters forever, as I'd desperately searched for them so so many times... Now that he's gone, they are priceless.

Today, I found all the letters my worried dad had written to his rebel daughter. Are you lost in the jungle for good, the first one begins.


"Dear Dad. I'm out of the jungle, but so much hasn't changed regardless. I'm a little bit lost, as ever. And I know you're still out there somewhere, looking after me."

A moving Independence day to each and every one of you my darling readers.

Kisses, from your very own



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