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*~ a Peter Mayle summer ~*

So it's been confirmed. Me and the kids will spend the full summer in Provence. I'll keep you posted on life over there, real Peter Mayle fashion. Here's a little purchase I've made for this trip, especially. Something light, comfy, slightly transparent but not toooo much so... MmmmmmmmMmm. By the lovely Oona Elena ♥♥♥. Perfect for a summer in the sun. And my lovely ladies Noora and Hanski might come and spend some time with us. Poolside lounging, bronzing and total relaxation is in the cards with Noora... We've already planned to have a real girlie holiday, going to the gym, sleeping in the same bed in our room upstairs and talking girl stuff all night.... Hanski, I'll take all around the area by Mamie's little white car, as it'll be her first time in the South. Touring and discovering little picturesque villages, lovely restaurants and the nicest places outside the tourist circles... The kids will be totally relaxed as usual there, and play in Mamie's pool all day long... There's also pony rides and tennis lessons in the cards this time. Ah, it'll be so good. ~*♥*~

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