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~* Muchissimo Mucha *~

Today it was Mucha who brought a moment of quiet calm to my otherwise hectic day. His ladies are so lovely, don't you think? 425716_10151161355425866_1780213561_n I had the most beautiful image of spring by Mucha on the wall of my student flat... This blonde girl, draped in Grecian clothing, holding flowers with hair loosely lifted up... I sold the poster at a fleemarket and have consequently missed her presence for years. This was a painting that truly brought the feeling of spring, that sense of a new beginning, the scent of fresh grass, the light green of the woods at springtime, to a little humble flat in Hel. Even midwinter. And I was silly enough to sell it, to manage that tight budget a little bit better. Note to self: Never, ever, sell anything for money. Whatever you love is priceless. ~*♥*~

~* words of a friend *~

- Impossible! said Doubt - Dangerous! cried Fear - Vain! And useless! stated Reason - Just try, whispered Heart. these words, sent to me by a friend on a particularly dark and lonely moment, rang in my head as I headed to the first ever radio interview of my life. Nervous I was, full of self-doubt, trying to fight the panic that was rising from the bottom of my belly. Soon my life would need to fill a full hour of air space! OiJoi. _MG_9984 copy But I did it! And I can't begin to tell you how good it feels to overcome  your own fears, inhibitions, self-imposed limitations. I did it. And next time, I'll stretch my boundaries even further. Promise. ~*♥*~