LadyBohemia — Everyday Poesie RSS

~* Sunny Provence, here we come! *~

My two sons and I are off for an adventure that is a holiday in the South of France. Without any plans, schedules or engagements. We intend to just... be. In the sun.

This may be the first time in history that my bags are packed before the taxi is waiting outside... And this time, even all our passports are still valid... Strange and very new for me. But in a nice way. Soooo... I'm peacefully preparing myself, letting go of all the stress and rush even before heading for the airport. Mmmmm... Sweet. [caption id="attachment_8706" align="aligncenter" width="296" caption="I even had the time to choose the earrings in which to travel! Very unusual luxury. These French antique market finds are my all-time favorites. "][/caption] Wish us Bon voyage dear friends! I'll keep you posted on all the adventure that comes our way... ~*♥*~

~* Stumbling along *~

My kids have been sick all week which means that I haven't slept, had a rational thought or conversation, let alone set a foot outside... in a week. So I turn to my favorite wise guy Viktor Egelund to make some sense of this chaos called life. As usual, he's there for me: "The chance of anything is always 50-50. Either it happens or it doesn't. Just ignore statistics from now on." V.E. As life at the moment feels more like a stumble than a stride, I find Viktor's words oddly comforting. If Carrie could get up after falling flat on her face... So can I. And maybe. Just maybe next time the odds will be in my favor. ~*♥*~

~* dancing shoes wanted *~

"Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances.", says Maya Angelou. I was thinking about this wisdom today as I took my son to school. And indeed. I'd never noticed it, but the leaves were dancing. Wind too. Little children definitely had rhythm and dance to their steps as they were hopping along. The only thing that seemed to have lost all flow and rhythm was... me. I was just slouching along, taking care of stuff that has to be taken care of. How boring. How tragically adult. So now I'm off for a little walk on the sunshine. Let's see if that would help me find some spring to my steps...


~* Serenaded *~

Today has been a real full-day serenade... It seems like the whole world has woken up to realize that it's my birthday. I've been spoiled, spoiled and yet again spoiled. I'll show you some photos of my day a little bit later - at the moment I'm still too busy living it...♥. PS. So... My day started by Happy Birthday songs and breakfast in bed, continued by surprises such as theatre and restaurant, and a shower of sweetest gifts ever. ... And ended in the bath, surrounded by candle light. At the end of my beautiful day the only problem in the world remaining was a rhetoric question: "Is it real or imaginary, that champagne actually tastes better in a bath?". ♥♥♥ Thank you, Thank you, Thank ♥♥♥ ~*♥*~